Dr. Grigorios E. Koulouras
BSc, MSc, PhD, Associate Professor
Dr. Grigorios E. Koulouras serves the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of West Attica, as an Associate Professor of Cloud Computing and Internet of Things. He is also a co-founder of the “Telecommunications, Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory (TelSiP)”. Dr. Grigorios E. Koulouras appointed as a Member of the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT) Plenary, for 4 years, from January 2018 to January 2022. From 2007 to 2010 he worked for OTE SA, at the Department of Network Technologies, as staff of the sub-department, which develops the cable infrastructure. He has participated in funded research and development programs, either as a scientific coordinator or as a researcher. He has extensive research, academic and professional experience regarding electronic circuits design, software development, microcontrollers, embedded and acquisition systems, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, virtualization, containerization and dockerization technologies, automated management of computer systems and also, telecommunications. His published work includes more than 55 papers in international scientific conference proceedings, edited volumes, scientific journals and book chapters and also his research work has been cited more than 2323 times in the scientific literature according to Google Scholar search engine (h-index: 15, i10-index: 18). He has served as a guest editor and reviewer for international scientific conference proceedings and scientific journals. He has supervised more than 50 postgraduate and undergraduate theses, while he has an extensive teaching experience. Dr. Grigorios E. Koulouras has received his BSc degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (1999). He obtained an MSc in Data Communication Systems from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, at the Brunel University in London (2001). He holds a PhD, from the above university, regarding “A versatile data acquisition system for capturing electromagnetic emissions in VHF band”.
“Large and complicated things are composed of things small and simple.”
-Grigorios Koulouras