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Stamatis C. Boyatzis

Assistant Professor

Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art


Theoretical courses / Labs

Academic year 2010 - 2011 / Spring Semester


Instrumental Chemical Analysis

theoretical course



14-03-11         Introduction on molecular spectroscopy and separation methods. Electronic spectroscopy. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Basic instrumentation of UV-vis spectroscopy.

21-03-11         Applications of UV-vis spectroscopy. Beer's law and quantitative analysis. Absorption in the visible. Colored compounds. Fluorescence spectroscopy. Fluorescent compounds and their detection.

28-03-11         Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy. Harmonic oscillator model of molecular vibrations. Stretch and bending vibrations.

04-04-11         Shape of IR bands and their interpretation. Instrumentation in FTIR. Sampling techniques in FTIR: reflection spectroscopy, ATR, diamond cell.

11-04-11         Mass spectromentry (MS). Basic MS ionization modes: electron impact, chemical ionization, electrospray. Detection of molecular ion and fragmentation modes.

18-04-11         Easter Holidays

25-04-11         Easter Holidays

02-05-11         Study of crystalline solids with X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Crystallographic directions and planes. Miller indices.

09-05-11         The diffraction phenomenon. Bragg's law. Shape and interpretation of X-Ray spectra.

16-05-11         Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). Backscattered and secondary electrons. Image formation. Elemental analysis with SEM-EDAX.

23-05-11         Identification of compounds with combined spectroscopic techniques. Specific problems applied on materials of museum objects.

30-05-11         Separation Techniques. Chromatographic analysis. Stationary and mobile phases. Classification of chromatographic techniques.

06-06-11         Gas chromatography (GC). Column types and temperature programming. Detectors in GC. GC-MS

13-06-11         Liquid chromatography. HPLC. Column and pump types. Detectors in  HPLC. Plane chromatography. Thin layer and paper chromatography.




Instrumental Chemical Analysis

lab course


10-03-11       Welcoming students and organizing the lab course

17-03-11       FTIR Spectroscopy

24-03-11       X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

31-03-11       C14 dating

07-04-11       UV-Vis Absorbance spectroscopy

14-04-11       Tree dating

21-04-11       Easter Holidays

28-04-11       Easter Holidays

05-05-11       Optical Microscopy

12-05-11       Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM)

19-05-11       Thin Layer Chromatography TLC 1

26-05-11       Thin Layer Chromatography TLC 2

02-06-11       Solubility Testing 1

09-06-11       Solubility Testing 2

16-06-11       Τελική Εξέταση




Materials Science ΙΙ

lab course



14/03/11     Γεωμετρία των οργανικών μορίων στα υλικά

21/03/11     Διαλυτότητα οργανικών χημικών ενώσεων

28/03/11     Λιπαρά Οξέα Ι: προσδιορισμός της οξύτητας λαδιών

04/04/11     Λιπαρά οξέα ΙΙ: προσδιορισμός του αριθμού ιωδίου

11/04/11     Σύμπλοκα Ι: Διαχωρισμός ιόντων Ni2+ / Fe3+ με εκχύλιση

18/04/11     Διακοπές Πάσχα

25/04/11     Διακοπές Πάσχα

02/05/11     Σύμπλοκα ΙΙ: Συμπλοκομετρικές ογκομετρήσεις

09/05/11     Πολυμερή: Σύνθεση του Nylon

16/05/11     Χαρακτηριστικές ιδιότητες υδατανθράκων

23/05/11     Χαρακτηριστικές ιδιότητες αμινοξέων – Πρωτεϊνών

30/05/11     Παρασκευή και ιδιότητες της καζεΐνης

06/06/11     TEST

13/06/11     Αργία







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