Adjunct Lecturer at University of West Attica (UniWA) - School of Administrative, Economics and Social Sciences -
Department of Archival, Library and Information Studies. Courses taught:
Knowledge deduction and knowledge representation (lab)
Topics: Introduction to Prolog logic programming language. Data mining (using WEKA). Coding data in XML. Semantic graphs and RDF/XML representations. Knowledge Representation and ontologies in OWL (using Protégé).
Standardization of bibliographic records (lab)
Topics: Bibliographic description standards and machine readable cataloging formats (emphasis on MARC 21 - bibliographic & authorities). Records creation using the Koha integrated library management software.
Research Interests
- Knowledge Representation: focus on modeling sociocultural information for the semantic web
- Ontologies and Knowledge Organization Systems
- Semantic interoperability
- Cultural Heritage Institutions’ Metadata (Libraries and Museums)
Selected publications
International (peer-reviewed) journals
- Peponakis, M., Kapidakis, S., Doerr, M., & Tountasaki, E. (2024). From calculations to reasoning: history, trends and the potential of Computational Ethnography and Computational Social Anthropology. Social Science Computer Review, 42(1), 84–102.
- Peponakis, M., Mastora, A., Kapidakis, S., & Doerr, M. (2019). Expressiveness and machine processability of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS): An analysis of concepts and relations. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 20(4), 433–452.
- Mastora, A., Peponakis, M., & Kapidakis, S. (2017). SKOS Concepts and Natural Language Concepts: An Analysis of Latent Relationships in KOSs. Journal of Information Science, 43(4), 492–508.
- Peponakis, M. (2016). In the Name of the Name: RDF literals, ER Attributes and the Potential to Rethink the Structures and Visualizations of Catalogs. Information Technology and Libraries, 35(2), 19–38.
- Peponakis, M. (2013). Libraries’ Metadata as Data in the Era of the Semantic Web: Modeling a Repository of Master Theses and PhD Dissertations for the Web of Data. Journal of Library Metadata, 13(4), 330–348.
- Peponakis, M. (2012). Conceptualizations of the Cataloging Object: A Critique on Current Perceptions of FRBR Group 1 Entities. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 50(5–7), 587–602.