Personal data

Born: 7 August 1967, Athens, Greece
Nationality: Greek
Current position: Assistant Professor in Molecular Microbiology
Department of Microbiology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
M. Asias 75, 115 27 Athens, Greece


- 1985-1988: B.Sc. with Honours (Class I) in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds, U.K..
- 1988-1992: Ph.D. in Biology/Cytology, Department of Biology (supervisors : N. Avrion Mitchison and Peter C.L.Beverley), University College, University of London, London, U.K.. Thesis on the "Control of Transcription in Embryonal Carcinoma Cells", conducted in the Laboratory of Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics (supervisor: Nicholas B. La Thangue), MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, U.K..
- 1998-2000: Post-graduate Certificate in Open and Distance Education, Greek Open University, Patra, Greece.

Further training

- June-July 1989: "International Summer School on the Molecular Genetics of Differentiation", Berlin, Germany.
- October-November 1996: two months’ working visit focused on the molecular typing of bacteria at the Service de Microbiologie (Head: Prof. Marc J. Struelens), Ηôpital Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
- September 1998: participation in the ΕMBO/FEBS/UNESCO "Summer School on Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis", Spetsai, Greece.
- October 2000, Greek Open University, Patras, Greece: Workshop on Open and Distance Education.
- 2000-02: participation in the "Adult Education Seminars" (co-ordinator: Alexis Kokkos).
- March 2004: participation in the “1st Teaching the Teachers Seminar” of the Athens University Medical School.
- June 2004: participation in the “2nd Teaching the Teachers Seminar” of the Athens University Medical School.

Work experience

- January 1991-October 1991: Research Assistant in the Laboratory of Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics, MRC NIMR, Mill Hill, London, U.K..
- October 1992-March 1993: Post-doctoral fellow in the Laboratory of Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics, MRC NIMR, Mill Hill, London, U.K..
- November 1994-May 2000: Post-doctoral scientist in the Department of Microbiology, Medical School, National University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- 2000-01: Instructor for the post-graduate course “Open and Distance Education” of the Greek Open University.
- May 2000 - December 2004 : Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology, Medical School, National University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- December 2004 - today: Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, Medical School, National University of Athens, Athens, Greece.

Expert positions

- 2003: Member of the Scientific Committee for the selection of research applications for funding under the French Programme “ACI Microbiology” of the French Ministry of Research and New Technologies, the General Directorate for Health, the CNRS, the INRA, and the INSERM.
- 2004: Member of the Scientific Committee for the selection of research applications for funding under the Italian Programme “Infective and Anti-Infective Agents” of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.
- 2006 – 2010: Member of the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Control) “Roster of Experts”.
- 2006 – 2011: Member of the Committee of National Reference Centres of the French Public Health Institute (“Institut de Veille Sanitaire”).
- 2008: Member of the ECDC’s Food- and Water-borne Diseases Coordination Group.
- 2010 – today: Member of the ECDC "Candidate Expert Directory".

Research projects and networks


1997- 2007: Enter-net - European network for the surveillance of salmonella and verocytotoxic Escherichia coli infections, funded by the Directorate Gneral XII of the Commission of the European Union:
• until 2002: responsible for co-ordination and communication of the Greek team
• from 2003: leader of the Greek team
• from 2004: member of the international Scientific Advisory Committee

1997-2000: HARMONY - Concerted action funded by the European Union, on bacterial strain typing, antibiotic resistance and antibiotic policy:
• responsible, from the Greek team, for the harmonisation of molecular typing of bacteria

1999-2001: Italy-Greece Joint Research and Technology Programme on the “Genetic analysis of resistance mechanisms and population structure of multi-drug resistant Salmonella Typhimurium”:
• leader of the Greek team

2000-2003: FOOD-PCR - Research and technological development project funded by the European Union, on the molecular diagnosis of food pathogens by PCR:
• leader of Workpackage 6 on guidelines and workshops
• member of the Scientific Committee
• member of the Management Committee
• member of the Greek team

2000-2002: GENE - Concerted action project funded by the European Union, on the use of molecular typing techniques for epidemiology:
• member of the Greek team

2000-2003: Workpackage 7 on Education in control of infections, HELICS III: European network on nosocomial infections:
• member of the Greek team

2002-2005: Strep-EURO2002 (QLK2-CT-2002-01398) – RTD project funded by the European Commission, on severe Streptococcus pyogenes disease in Europe
• member of the Greek team

2003 : PulseNet-Europe Feasibility Study:
• leader of the Greek team

2004-today: SeqNet – international research network on molecular typing of Staphylococcus aureus by DNA sequencing:
• member of the Greek team

2009-2012: "CAREPNEUMO" – project funded by the European Commission, on Streptococcus pneumoniae infections in Europe, especially after the introduction of vaccination
• member of the Greek team


1996-1999: DIMITRA ’95 - project on Salmonella spp. identification and typing, funded by the National Institute for Agricultural Research:
• participant

2002 - 2005: «Surveillance of bacterial infections in Intensive Care Units – Correlation with modes of strain dissemination and antimicrobial resistance mechanisms» - research project involving four Hospitals, and funded by the Hellenic Centre for Infectious Disease Control:
• co-ordinator

2003 - 2006: «Clinical and Laboratory Pneumococcus Network» - research project funded by the Hellenic Centre for Infectious Disease Control:
• project leader

2004 - 2007: «Molecular Typing of Salmonellae» - research project funded by the Hellenic Centre for Infectious Disease Control:
• project leader

Study groups

1997 - today: ESCMID Study Group on Epidemiological Markers
• 1997-2001: member
• 2001-2003: member of the Executive Committee
• 2003-2005: Secretary of the Executive Committee
• 2005-2007: Chairperson of the Executive Committee

2003 - today: ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
• member

2003 - today: ESCMID Study Group for Nosocomial Infections
• member

2006 - today: ESCMID Food- and Water-borne Infections Study Group
• 2006-2007: member of the Steering (Founding) Committee
• 2007-2009: Secretary of the Executive Committee
• 2009-2012: Secretary of the Executive Committee

Editorial positions

2001 - 2005 : NosoMed – Editorial Committee

2003 - today : Clinical Microbiology and Infection – Associate Editor
- June 2007: Guest co-Editor, Vol. 13, Suppl. 2: “Redesigning beta-lactams to combat resistance”
- January 2010: Theme Section co-Editor, Vol. 16, No. 1: “Hard to swallow – emerging and re-emerging issues in foodborne infection”
2007 - today : Eurosurveillance – Associate Editor


2000 : Journal of Medical Microbiology
2002-03 : Clinical Microbiology and Infection
2003 : Epidemiology and Infection
2004 : Research in Microbobiology
2004 - today : Journal of Clinical Microbiology
2004 - today : Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
2005, 2007, 2010 : Applied and Environmental Microbiology
2008 : Emerging Infectious Diseases
2009 : BioMed Central

Organisation of scientific conferences

1. “European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology” (ESCAIDE) [], Stockholm, Sweden, October 2007: Member of the Conference Committee.
2. “18th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases” (18th ECCMID) [], Barcelona, Spain, April 2008: Member of the Programme Committee.
3. “8th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers” (IMMEM-8) [], Zakopane, Poland, May 2008: Member of the Organising Committee.
4. “XVII Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases” (XVII LISSSD) [], Porto Heli, Greece, June 2008: Secretary of the Scientific Committee.
5. “2nd European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology” (ESCAIDE) [], Berlin, November 2008: Member of the Scientific Committee.
6. “3rd European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology” (ESCAIDE) [], Stockholm, October 2009: Member of the Scientific Committee.
7. "9th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM-9)" [], Wernigerode, Germany, September 2010: Member of the Organising Committee.
8. “4th European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology” (ESCAIDE) [], Lisbon, November 2010: Member of the Scientific Committee.
9. "1st International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control" (ICPIC), Geneva, 29 June - 2 July 2011: Member of the Advisory Board

Participation in scientific conferences

Invited Lectures
International: 15
Greek: 10

International: 11
Greek: 2

International: 68
Greek: 38

Participation by invitation at scientific fora

1. “1st International Meeting of CEM/NET-Network of Epidemiology for Tracking Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Pathogens in Southern and Eastern Europe”, May 1995, Oeiras, Portugal: representative of the Dept. of Microbiology, Medical School, University of Athens.
2. “Νew Approaches to Molecular Diagnosis and Typing in Public Health Microbiology”, Μάιος 2002, CPHL-PHLS, Colindale, London, UK: representative of the Hellenic Centre for Infectious Disease Control (KEEL).
3. «European Conference on the Role of Research in Combating Antibiotic Resistance» - co-organised by DG-RESEARCH of the European Commission and the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Vatican, November 2003: invited by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

International workshops and courses

1. 25-30 April 2004: Member of the Organising Committee and teacher at the 24th Postgraduate Education Course of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) on “Microbial typing Technologies: Practical Course with Theoretical Support”, Warsaw, Poland.
2. June 2004: Faculty member at the 3rd ESCMID School on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Athens, Greece.
3. 2 April 2005: Convenor and teacher at the Educational Workshop of the ESCMID Study Group on Epidemiological Markers, “PFGE, MLST, RAPD, MLVA, AFLP, PVR-RFLP & Co.: choosing the right method to type bacteria – and interpreting its results”, 15th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Copenhagen,. Denmark.
4. 28 April – 4 May 2007: Member of the Organising Committee of the 40th Postgraduate Education Course of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)on “Bacterial Molecular Typing: a Theoretical and Practical Course”, Oeiras, Portugal.
5. May 2008: “Developing, applying and interpreting typing methods: criteria and requirements” – Workshop together with Richard Goering, Dominique Blanc, and Peter Gerner-Smidt; 8th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers, Zakopane, Poland.
6. May 2009: Co-convener and faculty member of the Educational Workshop «Scientific writing: how to go about it», 19th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Helsinki, Finland.
7. April 2010: Co-convener and faculty member of the Educational Workshop «Studies and their write up: the category determines the design», 20th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Vienna, Austria.

Summary of publications

(for full details, please see here)

Chapters in books and proceedings
  • International: 1
  • Greek: 3

International journals
  • Original articles: 54
  • Reviews: 3
  • Guidelines:1
  • Letters to the Editor: 2
  • Other: 2

Greek journals
  • Original articles: 7
  • Reviews: 2
  • Other: 1

Fellowships & awards


1988-90: Biotechnology Training Grant, Commission of the European Communities
1996: FEMS Fellowship for Young Scientists
2000: European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research Fellowship


1986: Crabtree Award, University of Leeds.
1988: Graduates’ award (shared with Graham Packham), Department of Biochemistry, University of Leeds.
1998: Special Award at the 18th National Congress of Microbiology - Medical Biopathology, for the presentation "Spread of aminoglycoside-resistant Enterococcus faecalis strains in a tertiary care hospital"
1998: 1st prize for Applied Research at the 24th National Medical Congress for the presentation "Clonal relationships among methicillin-resistant and susceptible Staphylococcus aureus strains"
1999: Young Investigator's Travel Award at the 21st International Congress of Chemotherapy, for the presentation "Multiple genetic lineages in multi-drug resistant Salmonella typhimurium DT104"
2000: 1st prize for Applied Research at the 26th National Medical Congress for the presentation “Detection and genotypic characterization of Salmonella spp. strains resistant to third generation cephalsosporins – results of a European multi-centre study”
2003: 2nd prize for Applied Research at the 29th National Medical Congress for the presentation “Increase in quinolone resistance rates among “usual” and “emerging” Salmonella enterica serotypes during 2000-2001”
2005: Honourary Mention from the Amphiaraeion Foundation of Chemotherapy Studies, 31st National Medical Congress, for the presentation «Predominance of three Streptococcus pyogenes clones among Greek patients with invasive disease».
2005: Papastamateion Award, 31st National Medical Congress

Membership of scientific societies

1989-1991: Society for General Microbiology, Great Britain
1995-2007: Society of Clinical Chemistry - Clinical Biochemistry, Greece
1997-1998: European Society of Chemotherapy - Infectious Diseases
1997-today: European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Foreign languages

English, French, Italian